Help your employees address the retirement gap

A common theme we hear from employers is that they are investing a significant amount of time and money to recruit and retain talent, and that they must navigate a highly competitive dynamic labor market environment and face a growing list of complexities.

When evaluating if a nonqualified deferred compensation (NQDC) plan is suitable for your organization, one of the key factors to consider is current contribution amounts. If your employees are not maxing out their 401(k) plan, then they likely can’t afford to defer additional amounts into a NQDC plan. However, they may not be aware there are solutions, like a NQDC plan, for them to save more than annual contribution limits.

USI Consulting Group (USICG) will do all the upfront work to evaluate your existing retirement plan’s financing approach, plan design and administrative services. We can help you determine if a NQDC plan is the right fit for your organization. USICG’s thorough three step process includes:


Plan Assessment &
Design Development

Plan Documentation

Plan Implementation & Communication

  • Custom solutions to support employer’s reward philosophies and business strategy
  • Model alternative design costs, benefits and effectiveness
  • Evaluate alternatives and provide recommendations for best fit design
  • Written plan document to comply with statutory requirements
  • Assist with required Top Hat notice to the U.S. Department of Labor
  • Develop administrative enrollment and election forms
  • Develop communications to ensure long-term success of plan
  • Summary brochures, FAQs, enrollment guides, group meetings and 1:1 consultations
  • Training and guidance to establish ongoing administrative procedures
  • Selection of recordkeeping
    and administrative provider
